
SiENA has been developed as a module for ns-3, which offers an event-based simulation environment and extensive communication capabilities. The following software is currently in use:

  • ns-3.27
    SiENA integrates into ns-3 as a module. All capabilities of ns-3 can be utilised. SiENA ships a full version of ns-3.27 to minimise installation issues. ns-3 itself requires some prerequisites, make sure to check the installation instructions.
  • pandapower
    Python-based power system analysis. Can be installed optionally to analyse power flow.
    Internet topology generator. Shipped with SiENA.
  • PLC
    ns-3 module for power line communication. Shipped with SiENA.
  • ggplot2
    Used for plotting. Requires R.
  • Linux with libjsoncpp
    SiENA is intended to be run on a current version of Ubuntu. libjsoncpp is used to parse json files. Other operating systems might be used, but may require some adjustments.

Thanks to all this open source software and their maintainers!